In Mark 10:14-16, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you that whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Our children’s ministry is designed to bring children closer to God through Jesus Christ and to teach them to be loving, caring Christians.
On-going Programs:
Sunday School - begins at 10:00 am
For ages 2 through 6th grade, we offer a traditional Sunday school class.
Preschool - 3rd Grades - Children in Preschool through 3rd Grade meet in the classroom #103 on the first floor.
4th - 6th grades - Children 4th through 6th grades meet in the Sunday school room at the back of the Sanctuary in Room #206
Join us for Sunday School!

Church Nursery is fully equipped and staffed to provide safe and loving care to infants and toddlers up to 2 years old during Sunday school and Worship service and up to 4 years old during special programs. The nursery is located on the first floor in room #112.
Children’s Church is available to children ages 2 through 1st grade during the 11:00 am Worship Service. This group meets in the sanctuary for the Children's moments and then goes downstairs to the Children's Fellowship Hall Room #100.
Confirmation - This program prepares 6th graders for the day they join the church as a full member. Classes are lead by our pastor and youth director. The confirmands and their families are honored with a confirmation luncheon.
Acolyte/Crucifer Training - This program encourages children grade 1st - 6th to serve as worship leaders. Training is held each September.
Children’s Sabbath - This special service is lead by our children grades 1st-6th at the 11:00AM worship service.
Seasonal Events: Valentines to Homebound, Lenten project, Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Fun Days, Promotion Sunday, Fall Festival, March of Angels, Caroling and Fruit Baskets to Homebound, Fall Children's Retreat @ Camp Lake Stephens, Summer day camp hosted by Camp Lake Stephens.

Lighthouse kids

Lighthouse Kids and Youth pack backpack meals
Bobbing for apples at the Fall picnic

Join us for Fun Fellowship!
Children's Ministry
Acolyte/Crucifer Chair – Mrs. Shannon Wallace
Nursery Coordinator