Pastor’s message 8.7.23

Discernment and Next Steps

Dearly Beloved Friends,

Last Thursday, the Administrative Council met to vote on a recommendation from the discernment committee. The majority of the committee had recommended that the Council ask the district superintendent (DS) to call a church conference, which would be a church-wide vote on disaffiliation from The United Methodist Church. The majority of the Council approved this recommendation, and the DS has been contacted to schedule the vote.

We’ll be sharing more information in the weeks ahead about the date, time, and other logistics of the church conference. In the meantime, I want to encourage you to do three things:

  1. Prayerfully revisit our discernment website, and review what the committee assembled. Seek clarity on any questions you may have.
  1. Intentionally converse with people you both agree and disagree with. Even though this recommendation to have a church conference was approved by the majority, neither the discernment committee nor the Administrative Council were unanimous in their decisions. I share this detail to remind us that division is present in our congregation, and God desires for us to respond rightly to the reality of division. As the Holy Spirit leads you, reach across the aisle to one another in love. Listen to one another.
  1. Most importantly, spend time alone with the Lord. Immerse yourself daily in His Word and prayer. Take deep breaths as you slowly let His Word wash over you. Allow him to transform you from the inside out.

Even though the discernment committee’s work is technically done, the work of discernment never stops for the body of Christ. Let us continue to listen to him together. Above all things, beloved, do not cease to give thanks. Give thanks for what God has done. Give thanks for who he is. Give thanks for how he is at work among us and within us. To him belongs the glory.

all good things to each of you,

  1. darian
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