Pastor’s Message- April 19, 2022

What’s Bringing Us Joy in April

Every month I like to take a moment and share what I’ve been reading, watching, or listening to that has brought me joy over the past month. The hope is that in sharing what has lifted my spirit, you will take time to ask God what has lifted your spirit as well.

Resurrection Letters: Prologue by Andrew Peterson (music): I am writing this newsletter piece during Holy Week and cannot stop listening to this 6-track EP from Andrew Peterson. It puts to music the last words of Jesus, a new arrangement of Psalm 22, and more appropriate words for the last week of Lent. Check it out wherever you listen to music.

Late Migrations by Margaret Renkl (book): Science and nature writing have never been the genres I would choose first, but this collection of essays is about so much more than birds and plants. Renkl weaves stories of her family, her heritage, and her losses with what she’s observing in her yard. Each chapter is quite short, so it is easy to put it down and return to when you can. The writing is beautiful, and I can’t wait to read her newest book, Graceland At Last.

Michael Clayton (movie): Yes, this movie came out 15 years ago, but it is worth revisiting. It is one of those that I rewatch every few years because I always see something new in it. George Clooney plays Clayton, an attorney who is a ‘fixer’ at a huge law firm in New York City. He faces his biggest challenge when one of their best attorneys has a moral & ethical awakening to wrongs within a case, and Michael, in trying to control the attorney, begins to raise questions of his own. There’s some violence and language but a lot of wisdom in this one, too.

I’d love to hear what’s bring you joy this month and all year long!

all good things to each of you,
Dr. Darian

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