Pastor’s Message – April 21,2020

What We Need To Know: Bird Bat Edition

Dearly Beloved Friends,

If you joined us for worship this past Sunday, then you are already aware of the visitor who slipped into the sanctuary. The “dream team” all believed it to be a bat, but it turned out to be a bird that strangely acted like a bat. Jace captured the bird bat with a garbage bag and released it back to the wild. No animals were harmed, but the humans were a bit weary!

The bird bat’s appearance is yet another example of life’s unexpectedness. We are living through an unexpected pandemic that has left us in unexpected circumstances. Like humans on the ground staring up at a bird bat in the rafters of a church, we have no control over that creature. What do we have is authority through Jesus Christ to respond in love and patience and without fear.

The bird bat’s freedom began with us simply waiting for it to move. We did not climb a ladder or swing from the chandeliers to get to it (thank the Lord!). As creeped out as we —well, okay, I—was by it, and as hard as it was to wait and see what it would do, the waiting was necessary. We are still in a season of waiting for the COVID 19 crisis to pass, and we don’t know how long it will take. What we do know is that Jesus is risen, and his Church is active with that resurrection power.

As we actively wait together, here are the two things you need to know for this week:

We will continue with virtual worship indefinitely, and
The church office will remain closed until at least May 1, at which time we will reassess.

Next week we will update you on plans for the summer months. We will also share with you the winning entry for the bird bat’s name! Many thanks to our children who submitted name suggestions for our newest visitor.

all good things to each of you,
Dr. D.

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