Pastor’s Message – April 26, 2022

Honoring Bishop & Mrs. Swanson

Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr., has served as our spiritual leader in the Mississippi Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church for 10 years, and this year he will enter into a well-deserved retirement. Congregations across Mississippi have been invited to honor his & Mrs. Swanson’s leadership with a gift that keeps on giving, and we have an opportunity to participate.

The Methodist Children’s Homes of Mississippi are a ministry dear to the Swansons. An offering is being collected in their honor that will go directly to renovating a campus home to serve youth in foster care. Currently, because of limited placement options in the state, youth are having to reside in hotel rooms. Some of these youth have been in 35 placements in the foster care system before coming to the Methodist Children’s Home! To renovate this campus home would create a Permanency Assessment Center (PAC) for youth to live with more permanency & stability.

If you would like to make a difference in the life of these children while also celebrating our bishop’s leadership, simply make your check out to the church and designate it, “Swanson’s Love Offering.” We will collect donations throughout the month of May.

The children’s home is an excellent example of what it means to call ourselves Methodist & Wesleyan. We invest in the lives of one another and work to bring justice and peace beyond the walls of the church buildings—by building into the lives of people, especially the most vulnerable.

Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and investing in a wonderful ministry.

all good things to each of you,
Dr. Darian

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