Pastor’s Message – August 30, 2022

_ Worship In September
If I Were A Rich Man: The Parables of Luke

Whether or not you have seen the beloved musical, Fiddler on the Roof, you have likely heard some of the songs from it. One of the most played is, “If I Were A Rich Man,” where the lead character of Tevye dances and dreams about what life would be like if he had far more wealth.

Many of us can identify with Tevye. It’s easy to daydream when we begin the thought, “If I had more money.” If we’re not careful we can find ourselves in the pits of greed and dissatisfaction. If we’re careful, though, with those thoughts, we can learn much more about ourselves, life, and the God who is more than enough. We can learn what treasure truly is.

Jesus did not shy away from the topic of riches in his teachings. Luke’s gospel especially highlights some of these stories, and we will spend the month of September learning from these stories about what it truly means to be ‘rich.’

I hope you will take the time to study these passages each week in preparation for our time in worship together. Perhaps read it in more than one translation to get a new take on an old story. I look forward to learning and growing in God’s treasures with you!

September 4: Luke 14:25-33

September 11: Luke 15:1-10

September 18: Luke 16:1-13

September 25: Luke 16:19-31

all good things to each of you,
Dr. Darian

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