More Glory Sightings
On behalf of the Staff Parish Committee, I’m delighted to share that Gail Foote has accepted the position of office manager, to begin on January 1, 2024. Gail is no stranger to our church’s membership or staff. She has served as Director of Family Ministries in the past and is involved in many areas of church life. Most likely, if you are reading this newsletter, then you have gotten a text from Gail! Her gifts of hospitality and encouragement, among others, will be most welcome as she returns to the staff.
We’re also thankful that our new pianist, Kindal Gammill, will start playing weekly in January. These two “newest” members of the staff have something in common that I believe is so important: the Holy Spirit led them to us, and they answered a “nudge” from the Holy Spirit. Glory sightings emerge when we respond to these leadings and nudges.
When the angel Gabriel visits Mary and tells her that she will bear a son named Jesus, the Savior of the world, Mary asks a legitimate question: HOW? Gabriel responds by saying, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you: (Luke 1:35).
The same Spirit that came upon Mary is upon us. We are overshadowed by the same God who brought forth eternal life. What have we to fear? Let us give thanks for all the ways that God’s glory is shining, and may his Light shine through us.
all good things to each of you,
dr. darian