Pastor’s Message – December 5, 2023

Stewarding the Season

What a beautiful start we have had to the Advent season with Sunday’s worship service, fellowship meal, and outing for our youth to go ice skating! And we have even more joy in store next Sunday, December 10, with the Blessing of the Tree. Don’t forget to bring an unwrapped toy that you’ll bring forward in the worship service. We’ll look forward to sharing these alongside our blessing box this month.

We are in a season when we are more aware than ever of God’s blessings. Normally by this time of the year we have shared with you three things: the budget for next year, a stewardship campaign, and a list of upcoming officers for next year. Please know that all of these are all still in progress right now, and you will be hearing more about them soon. With many changes in our congregation this year, we’re taking our time on these important, administrative matters and adapting just as we have made adjustments to some of our annual traditions and activities.

One thing that I am committed to improving everyday as your pastor and shepherd is communication. As we enter a new calendar year, know that the staff, church leadership and I will be following up on these three important items with clarity and integrity. In fact, I am really excited to share with you more about all of these in the weeks to come!

What I do ask of you right now is to steward wisely the time God has given us with practices of prayer and thanksgiving. Every day, let us pause to name where we’ve seen God’s glory and where we need his grace. Every week, let us set aside time to worship together as a church family and to fellowship with each other. And let us regularly ask the Lord how we might bless others as he has so richly blessed us.

all good things to each of you,
dr. darian

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