Pastor’s Message – May 12, 2020

Three Things To Know: The Heart of Worship

Last Friday, Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr. shared guidelines for “incremental reopening of congregational in-person gatherings.” I love that title. For the past eight weeks I’ve tried to avoid the phrase, “reopening church,” because church has not closed. When the building does reopen for us to gather in person, church will look very different, but our heart has not changed. Our heart is the worship of our Lord Jesus.

The task force, staff, and I are reviewing these detailed guidelines to ensure that when we can gather again, we will do so safely and carefully. I do want to share with you three things the task force has already discussed.

1. Digital Presence and Virtual Worship: Even when we are able to regather in-person for worship, we want to continue offering the service through Facebook Live, You Tube, and perhaps other platforms. We want to improve on our media and equipment so that we not only keep our digital presence but also enhance it.

2. Worship Gathering as First Priority: When we do regather, at first the only in-person gathering will be the worship service. We hope to resume eventually both worship services with the 11AM service broadcast on radio and Facebook Live. Small groups, Sunday school, and other fellowship groups will remain digital until after the worship service gatherings run smoothly.

3. Guidelines and Precautions: When we do regather, we will have strict guidelines to follow to keep everyone safe. Change can be hard, especially in a space as sacred as our sanctuary, but change will be necessary. Know that these precautions are rooted in a love of God and neighbor, and we will share more with you in detail in the weeks to come.

What can we do as a congregation in the meantime? Pray! Spend time with the Lord and give thanks for his blessings. Ask for his guidance as we continue to navigate the COVID 19 crisis. And don’t forget you can still send your virtual selves to the sanctuary!

all good things to each of you,
Dr. D.

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