Message from Dr. Darian
Dearly Beloved Friends,
As the staff-parish committee shared with you last Thursday evening, the
Lord has spoken clearly to me in recent weeks that the time has come for
me to leave West Point First UMC. This was not an easy decision, especially
considering all we have walked through over the past eight years. However,
I have a deep peace about what He has in store for you as a church family. I
have that same peace for my family and me, and what more could we ask
for than ‘peace that surpasses understanding’?
We do not yet know when my last day will be and are in communication
with the district superintendent about when that date will be. Know that
we will share it with you as soon as she confirms it.
In the meantime, in the upcoming weeks, I am eager to live into the
endings of many letters in our New Testament: benedictions. A benediction,
which we have at the end of each worship service, is a prayer of blessing as
well as one of release and parting. I want to bless you as we release each
other and part ways, and you in turn will bless me, as we do with Number
6:24-26 every week. My focus is on helping to make as easy and healthy a
transition as possible for us all.
Know how much I love and and appreciate you. It is an honor to serve as
your pastor.
all good things, as always, to each of you,
dr. darian