Pastor’s message 7.17.23

Congregational Call to Prayer: Fasting and Prayer

This Thursday, July 20, we will enter into a time of intentional quiet as a congregation, that will last until next Thursday, July 27. The discernment committee met for nearly four hours on Sunday afternoon to tally the surveys, and at our weekly meeting this Thursday we will review, evaluate and prepare those results to share with you as soon as possible.

After spending the past week in prayer, surrender, and meditation and Scripture, we invite you into two new opportunities for the next week. From July 20 through July 27, during the weekdays, the sanctuary will be open 9-11AM and 4-6PM. On Saturday, July 22, it will be open 9-11AM, and on Sunday, July 23, the sanctuary will remain open after worship until 6PM for anyone who wants to come and pray. There will not be an order of worship during these times of prayer, but prayer guides will be available for those who want to use them.

Second, we invite you into a time of fasting—a specific kind of fasting. Much of the discernment committee’s work this past month has been in the gathering of information. We invite you to join us in fasting from the gathering of information. If possible, I’d encourage you to step away from social media and news, especially any news related to Methodism, and to use that time of scrolling instead for prayer and meditation. If you are interested in learning more about specific kinds of fasting, please reach out to me, and I’d love to share more. And please don’t embark on a fast from food or beverage without checking with your healthcare provider first.

Let us pray together: Holy Spirit, we wait for you. We listen for your voice, and we seek your guidance. Bind us together first with you, the Father, and the Son, and from your union stir among us a spirit of unity. We desire your kingdom and your will for our congregation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

all good things to each you,

dr. darian

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