Pastor’s Message – February 2, 2021

Preparing For Lent:
Ashes On The Go, A New Worship Series, and More To Come

It is hard to believe that the Lenten season begins in a little over two weeks. We may still be struggling to make long-range plans in the midst of a pandemic, but one thing that does not change is the Church year! This week and next, here in this newsletter space, we are sharing what we’re hoping to focus on during the Lenten season. Mark your calendars, and get ready for a wonderful season of growth as the body of Christ!

Ash Wednesday Service: Ash Wednesday is on February 17. For those who feel comfortable doing so, we will offer imposition of the ashes in a “drive thru” setting. Starting at 6PM, you may drive up to the church’s covered driveway, and we will impose the ashes on your forehead. You don’t even have to get out of the car! Masks will be worn.

Starting at 6:30PM, we will also offer a virtual Ash Wednesday service on Facebook and You Tube. Even if you come in person to receive ashes, be sure to tune into this service as well for prayer and reflection!

Lenten Worship Series: I am so looking forward to this series as I think you will find it relevant, uplifting, and comforting. It is titled, “The Good Kind of Grief,” and each week we will focus on different kinds of grief people in the Scriptures encountered and how they dealt with it. With so much loss experienced this past year, my hope is that you will especially feel the healing presence of Jesus as we walk through this Lenten season together.

More To Come: We have some exciting news about our Lenten Mission Project, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Kick-Off, and fundraisers for that special offering. Curious? Tune in to this space in next week’s newsletter for all the details.

all good things to each of you,
Dr. Darian

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