Pastor’s Message – February 23, 2021

Church People

Have you ever seen an object unexpectedly in a new way?

This happened to me recently while drinking a cup of coffee at my breakfast table, one of my favorite spots in the house. Hanging above the coffee maker is a painting by Vicksburg-based artist, Tony Davenport. Titled, “Church People,” the painting has been a part of my home for nearly nine years. It is full of color and joy as well as a holy reverence with churchgoers depicted all face the same direction, heads raised and gaze fixed.

Every day, multiple times a day, I look at the painting. But on this particular morning, the “church people” within it reminded me to look toward Jesus. For years these worshippers had silently been calling me to stop and “lift my eyes to the hills.”

What does it mean for us to be a “church people?” Perhaps our primary calling to God and with one another is to help keep each others’ eyes where they need to be: looking above and beyond the immediate and toward the bright, joyful colors of God’s kingdom.

As we continue to walk through this Lenten season, where do you see God’s kingdom in your everyday life? And how are you leading one another as “church people” toward Jesus?

all good things to each of you,
Dr. Darian

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