Pastor’s Message – May 4, 2021

Treasuring God’s Time

“I don’t have time ….”

“There aren’t enough hours in the day…”

“Where did the time go?”

As we honored our graduating high school seniors this past Sunday, these familiar statements echoed. Many of us wondered when they grew up so quickly. We also listened to our young, hilarious friends at the children’s moments and realized that they will grow up so quickly too!

Time is something beyond our control and feels too quick or too slow, depending on our circumstances. We lament how quickly our children grow up but long for the evening hour when another day has ended. We want to have deeper conversations with one another but don’t know where to squeeze them into our already-tight schedules. Time has become something that we try to possess rather than a gift that God calls us to invest and share.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:”
— Ecclesiastes 3:1

The next time we catch ourselves saying some variation of, “I don’t have time,” please pause. We don’t “have time” because time is not to be had. We are to cherish it. We are to value it. Let us cup the fragile gift of time delicately in our hands. Let us offer it back to God. Let us embrace what he offers for each season and every matter under heaven.

all good things to each of you,
Dr. Darian

We give thanks for Gail Foote’s faithful work as the Director of Family Ministries since 2016. As Gail shared last week, she will be resigning at the end of May to spend more time with family and other ventures. The Staff-Parish Committee welcomes candidates for this part time position. Please contact the church office or Chairman Laura Tinsley if you or someone you know is interested in applying.

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