Pastor’s Message -Upcoming Opportunities for Youth and Children

Revive is sponsoring a Youth Fishing Trip on Sunday, August 20th at the Dill’s pond on Churchill Road from 4-7 p.m. We will meet at the Youth House at 3:30 and take the van. You may bring your own fishing pole if you have one, but there will also be some extras available. Bring your friends and enjoy an afternoon of fishing, fellowship, and a hotdog supper with homemade desserts. Hope to see you there!


Promotion Sunday is quickly approaching us. We will gather in the Sanctuary on August 6th at 10:00am to be promoted to our “new” Sunday School classes for the fall semester. Rachel and I are also excited to promote a new and exciting curriculum for our K3- 3rd grade friends! Sunday School will be formatted differently for this. Beginning August 13, we will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45 and begin our morning with praise and worship! There will be a time for music, games, video lessons, and large group discussion. Then we will split into our smaller groups by age to dive into the word a little more and wrap it up with an activity. 4th-6th graders are welcome to join the large group for music if they are interested in doing so! We want our children to be excited to come learn about Jesus each week! There are also opportunities to teach all grades for the months of November and December. The curriculum is easily laid out for each age and the individual teachers will only be responsible for leading the last 20 minutes of the Sunday School hour. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend with our children teaching them how to build their foundation to continue growing their relationships with God. In the midst of our chaos, let us bring the children strength and stability from the people their eyes are looking to for guidance. Please join me in this very fulfilling ministry!

Jessi Sugg

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