Pastor’s message 8.28.23

What’s Brought Me Joy This Summer

It’s been a few months since I shared with you in this space about the music, books, and movies that have brought me joy recently. I hope that in taking about what I’ve enjoyed that you will take the time, also, to pay attention to how God is speaking to you.

 Oppenheimer (film): I may not have seen the Barbie film yet, but I did see the summer’s other big movie. I can’t remember the last time I watched a 3-hour movie in the theater, but this epic journey was worth every minute. A biopic about the man who invented the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer is one of those films that I immediately wanted to discuss with others who had seen it. It contains lessons on history, ethics, and so much more. I was thankful for all I learned and will continue to learn.

 This is the Hour by Christy Nockels (music): Christy Nockels served as a worship leader with Passion conferences, but in recent years has focused on being home with her family and raising her children. Her newest album is one of those that is best heard from start to finish, and it is obvious these songs come from her heart of worshipping and encountering God in her everyday life.

 Hello Stranger by Katherine Center (book): Summer vacation may be over for many of us, but that doesn’t mean summer reading has to end! This novel was a lovely companion when I was traveling recently. It’s about a young portrait artist named Sadie who suddenly develops a condition called face blindness (it’s a real illness that the author researched so well!). This is, of course, terribly inconvenient since she paints faces for a living, not to mention that she had just met a cute guy she can no longer see clearly. It’s a great “beach read” but also has some depth to its characters that I really enjoyed.

 I’d love to know what has brought you joy recently!

all good things to each of you,

dr. darian

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