Pastor’s message 9.18.23

The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

Dearly Beloved Friends,

As has been shared with you multiple times from our lay leader, Freddie Brister, we will have a special called church conference this upcoming Sunday, September 24, at 1:30PM with registration beginning at 12:30PM. I wanted to share a few items for clarification as we prayerfully enter the conference.

2.    If you are physically able to do so, please come and worship first. Sundays are first and foremost a sabbath we are called to remember and keep holy. We will be celebrating the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, and I believe you will find the Scriptures most appropriate.

3.   Please spend some time in fellowship with each other between the service and the conference. Light snacks will be provided in the fellowship hall, and it is important for us to simply be together after we worship together.

4.  To clear up any confusion, when the Administrative Council met on August 3, 2023, the majority of the Council voted to ask the district superintendent (DS) to schedule a church conference for FUMC-WP in order to vote on the matter of disaffiliation from the UMC. The Administrative Council did not vote to disaffiliate from the UMC and does not have the authority to do so. The church conference on September 24 will be members’ opportunity to vote on the matter of disaffiliation.


Let us offer this prayer together, based on Psalm 105, a reading for next Sunday: We give thanks to you, O Lord. We call upon your name. We sing your praises. We tell of your wonderful works. You, Lord, are our God, whose judgments are in all the earth. You are mindful of your covenant, a word commanded for all generations. We desire to be your covenant people. Praise be to you, O Lord. Praise be to you!

all good things to each of you,

dr. darian

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