Pastor’s message 9.11.23

The Upcoming Church Vote

Dearly Beloved Friends,

If you are on the church’s membership roll, you have received or will soon be receiving a letter from lay leader, Freddie Brister, about the upcoming Church Conference on Sunday, September 24. If you do not receive a letter and believe you should have, please contact the church office.

I did want to share a few important details about the voting procedure as well as an invitation to prayer.

  1. You must be registered and seated in the sanctuary at 1:30 with your ballot in order to vote. Registration begins at 12:30 at the back of the sanctuary. Please plan accordingly because if you arrive after 1:30, you will not be allowed in to vote.


  1. We will reserve some pews at the back of the sanctuary for our elder members and others who need assistance.


  1. If you or someone you know needs a ride to the church or help getting in & out of the conference, please contact the church office, and we will work to find someone to help you


  1. Do not mark your ballot until the presiding elder tells you to do so during the church conference. The ballots will be collected and counted at the front of the sanctuary, in front of everyone, for full transparency.


  1. The presiding elder will give detailed instructions about the procedure and ballot throughout the conference. Let us be at ease & at peace knowing that God is with us in this process.

Let us pray together: Holy God, who was and is and is to come, you are on the throne. Take the seat of authority in this, your church. We give ourselves to you. We surrender the upcoming church conference to you. We listen for the voice of your Holy Spirit. Give us peace in the process and in the result. Help us to focus on obedience, and not outcome. For you are the Lord of it all, and we give everyone and everything to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

 all good things to each of you,

dr. darian

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